
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Stocking Fillers for Toddlers – Christmas Ideas

Stocking fillers for toddlers are what you are looking for at this time of year. They are a particular category because stocking fillers need to be age appropriate for toddlers. Stocking fillers for boys or girls’ stocking fillers as advertised, may contain some appropriate items, because the categories overlap, but more often than not, suggested items can be too old for this age group. Toddler age is roughly 12 or 18 months to 3 years. Some people want cheap stocking fillers, small stocking fillers and some want more expensive gifts that don’t even fit into a stocking, like large ride-on toys that have trouble fitting into a pillowcase – the substitute stocking that lots of people use!

So what kids’ Christmas stocking ideas are appropriate? Toddler stocking fillers may include gifts that make suitable baby toys such as stacking cups or cuddly toys made specially for that age, without long fluffy hair that could get chewed and swallowed. Other filler ideas may include girls and boys toys like first dolls or toddler cars. Some 2 year olds can manage tubs of bubbles, though they often need supervision so as not to spill the pot all over the floor. Gifts that are personalised go down well: personalized books and cds are appropriate. Toddlers love to hear their own name over again in a story or song. Toddler stocking filler ideas, particularly cheap stocking fillers, can also be used as party bag fillers, so if you buy more items or gifts than you need, you can keep them for a birthday party party bag.